How Did Apple Know We Needed This?


Apple just always seems to get it right, they know what we want and how to give it to us. So I need to ask, are they in fact spying on us? or are they just further proving themselves as the leaders of technology?

They have just released something incredible for travellers, it’s a simple concept really but it’s one we all need.

You constantly hear stories of travellers turning on their data roaming to send just ‘1 email’ surely if I just turn it on and quickly send an email it will cost me $10? That 1 email turns into a $3000 bill.

All of a sudden that delicious cocktail you’ve been drinking by the pool, now has a sour taste and you can’t afford to buy anymore. In fact; your whole holiday is now ruined because you sent 1 email.
On a recent trip to America, we found that the costs of internet varied and had some hotels that would charge $10 for 30 mins of WiFi. Bugger that, I need every spare cent for shopping and I need at least an hour of WiFi to research my hot spots for the next day. 

The other option was to roam the busy streets in search of free WiFi. We were constantly holding our phones and iPads in the air looking for a free signal, and we’d then go into the cafe and would need to purchase something in order to use the treasured WiFi.


I don’t want to enable international just to use Facebook or hunt down free WiFi, I need a solution - because I need to post photos and brag about my awesome holiday and change my LinkedIn occupation to “Adventurer”.

Thank you Apple for creating the Apple Sim.

Countries will vary in costs, but we are looking at $50 for 3GB data packs. That is plenty of data to last 2-4 weeks on holiday to access social media, email, research my daily activities and to find popular places to eat. Apple just get it.

They are always on the front foot with coming to the technology rescue. They also like to go over the top though, I’m not sure if I need a 24k gold Apple watch. But, I do have my eye on the bottom end of that chain for about $500-$600.

All businesses have the same goal and that’s to keep their customers happy. We are a creative marketing agency that focuses on content creation through incredible new software called Hubspot. Apple keep their customers happy by creating products that we need, it’s all about creating great content on all platforms.
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