What Photos Should I Post for Instagram Success?

What Photos Should I Post for Instagram Success? The Kingdom HubSpot Diamond Partners


So you’re down with hashtags, you know what you’re doing with filters, and your posts are going out regularly. But Instagram still isn’t bringing you the engagement that you want. 

As an avid Instagram user in both my personal and work life, I see on a daily basis how this exciting platform can be used to transform images, share content across social media and create communities of users across the world.

However, success on Instagram comes down to more than simply posting pretty pictures. So with relevance to your industry, consider these 5 ideas to base your photo posting strategy on:



Incorporate user-generated content. What better way to engage with your followers than to post their images? 



Use photos that showcase your team, your culture and any new talent. Your business is more than your product or service--it’s your people too.



Incentivise customers by inviting them to enter competitions by ‘regramming’ or using hashtags, then post the winners on your site and tag them. 


This is a great opportunity to get creative in portraying your products and influencing the ways your audience perceives them.


Add credibility to your brand by posting what others have said about you, and what you like about others in your industry.
With all that in mind, it's time to get snapping! Remember that your audience follows you because they are interested in learning more about your brand so give them what they want!  

Be sure to post diverse images that will spark engagement and show off your company's culture and you will be on your way to Instagram success! 

All Images Sourced from Instagram 

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