So how do you create inbound marketing website pages?
The most important thing is to put yourself in the prospect shoes. Think about your own purchasing experiences.
The internet means that consumers have all the information needed at their fingertips, and don’t want salespeople to educate them.
Is your website answering your customers' questions in a way that is not intimidating? If not, then your consumers will head to your competitors' pages that do a better job of educating them.
No longer is the "contact us" button good enough to convert on a website.
You need to have content that helps your customers and provides insights that they wouldn’t otherwise get.
Strategically your website needs to be structured so that the natural flow of this investigation results in a mutual connection.
Fire up your website by connecting HubSpot. When you connect with HubSpot in the back end of your inbound marketing website, you are able to see who was on your website.