Why the Sales World Needs Inbound Marketing

Why the Sales World Needs Inbound Marketing The Kingdom HubSpot Diamond Partners

In the old days of business, the salesperson had all the power.

Every piece of information the consumer received came directly from them.

Salespeople had absolute control, and the buyer just had to hope that they were giving them the best deal possible.

This was how it worked for a very long time - until the Internet came in and changed it all.

Suddenly, consumers could do their own research. They could do their own comparisons.

Now, the shoppers had all the power.

Currently, the average person does a whopping 70% of their research online before even contacting a salesperson.

A far cry from the days of the door-to-door vacuum salesman.

Traditional sales use outbound marketing and old advertising methods to try and interrupt people - but the thing is, people don't want to be interrupted anymore.

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Now, with the fragmentation of advertising media and constant access to technology, your customers have the choice to turn off your annoying advertising.

More Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the U.S. and Japan. (Google, 2015) 

Source: http://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics

The Internet has killed the age old method of outbound, disruptive selling and marketing. So what do you do? It's time for inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is a powerful and improved way of selling. It’s completely different to outbound marketing, which is all about pushing the consumer into a sale. Instead, inbound marketing focuses on enticing your customers through attractive content.

Are you looking for a more effective way of attracting customers? Inbound marketing when combined with the HubSpot Sales and Marketing Growth Stack is the way to drive more leads and sales to your business. 

To learn more about the benefits of inbound marketing how you can utilise it to transform your business into a lead generating, sales making powerhouse - check out our brand new FREE eBook on the inbound marketing essentials. 

We combine our years of sales and marketing experience and knowledge of HubSpot to get your results. As a HubSpot Diamond Partner, we help you with HubSpot. Get a HubSpot login from the free HubSpot CRM and get started today.


The Kingdom HubSpot Inbound