The Kingdom Live HubSpot Blog

5 HubSpot Features You Can't Live Without

Written by Adam Steinhardt | 07-Jul-2016 08:27:34

Imagine life before using the powerful automated sales and marketing software tools of HubSpot? Now as an inbound marketing agency this is just outright scary. We discuss the five features of HubSpot that we could not live without.

Do you know what Automated Sales and Marketing Software is? Have you heard of HubSpot, Marketo, Infusionsoft, Pardot? These automated marketing software tools are part of the mar-tech revolution, and they're growing by the day as a powerful must-have solution for business.

So what are the five features that we can't even begin to forgo? Here is Adam Steinhardt speaking with social media wiz, Zaahn Johnson talking about the best of HubSpot.

Who wins? Sources, reporting, blogging tools, social media, keyword management, email, lead nurturing, marketing automation, workflows, the free CRM, notifications? Find out what our inbound marketing experts picked! 

If you are not sure about the power of HubSpot and would like to learn more, discover more options here. 

How Do You Know If You Need Automated Sales And Marketing Software

 9 Benefits of Automated Sales and Marketing Software

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