The Kingdom Live HubSpot Blog

What to do When You Run Out of Content Marketing Ideas?

Written by Adam Steinhardt | 12-Aug-2016 07:24:11

Have you ever had a road block where you can't think of any new content?

Your website needs new content to be posted often in order to generate new leads.

So, how do you know what content marketing to create? Are you struggling to brainstorm new ideas, whilst also ensuring you are nurturing leads and providing answers to your prospects challenges in the best way possible?


CEO Adam Steinhardt and Social Media Expert, Zaahn Johnson help you understand how to create more content when you are all out of ideas.

Are you worried you're not reaching enough people?

Ask them questions to understand what they're looking for in order to attract new customers.

95% of buyers chose a solution provider that “Provided them with ample content to help navigate through each stage of the buying process”   [Source: DemandGen Report]


Why is content marketing needed in order to have a successful website?

So long as you are providing the correct relevant answers that your customers are looking for, you will stay relevant and generate new leads. By providing information to your prospects they are more likely to trust you and increase the chances of becoming a customer.

As Adelaide Inbound Marketing Experts, we have a team of clever copywriters, HubSpot COS developers and social media experts who ensure to create stimulating content for you.

Would you like to know how effective the inbound marketing content on your website is? The Kingdom provides you with a free inbound marketing assessment to give you more ideas.