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Are you Overloaded Trying To Do Digital Marketing?

Written by Adam Steinhardt | Dec 3, 2015 11:58:09 AM

Are you overloaded trying to do advertising and marketing? The Mar-Tech revolution is in full swing, driving innovation, but so is stress for marketing teams in overworked marketing departments. 

Is your marketing department overloaded?

Marketing is particularly challenging because of the global impact made by technology. Digital marketing now is just marketing, as technology has completely taken over the marketing space.

Marketing departments now need to deal with digital disruption and the intensity of the social media revolution, plus the explosive fragmentation of former tried and tested mediums that no longer work the way they used to.

It used to be easy to get to market, but now it makes for a huge challenge for marketers to get their message out. Particularly when you consider by 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship without talking to a human (Gartner Research).

By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationship without talking to a human.

Today, you need to be technology specialists.

Modern day marketing requires loads of computer software knowledge. There is so much to learn. Without the tech understanding, this puts lots of pressure on your marketing team.

Furthermore, senior management directing marketing tend to have trouble fully grasping the tech revolution. This creates a problem. 

The solution is to outsource.

By outsourcing the technology-based marketing chores, you can get on with the day-to-day job of marketing.

The Kingdom provides an outsourced marketing service that will help you with blogging, email, website design, social media, SEO, social media remarketing, inbound marketing, analytics, and marketing automation, all based around the HubSpot automated marketing software.

Marketing automation has seen the fastest growth of any CRM-related segment in the last 5 years (Focus Research). 

What is driving marketing automation popularity?

Companies that automate lead management see a 10% or greater increase in revenue in 6-9 months (Gartner Research). HubSpot, an automated marketing platform, makes marketing so much more efficient and effective. The Kingdom use HubSpot as a cornerstone to drive your marketing costs down and your lead generation up. 

Our outsourced service costs less than a marketing person with five years experience, and way less than the combined costs of all the digital consultants you will need to make digital work properly.

The Kingdom can get automated lead generation happening for you, plus, as the HubSpot International Partner of the Year, we can springboard you into the world of inbound marketing and marketing automation.

So, where do you start? 

We are here to help, so why not take our Digital Marketing and Social Media Free assessment? Normally valued at $249, this will give you an audit, plus open up your eyes as to what could be possible.