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Win Over Your Followers with the 4:1:1 Rule

Written by Zaahn Johnson | Aug 7, 2015 5:22:00 AM

Do you have twitter but don't really use it? As an Adelaide social media expert, I hear this a lot. It can be a bit overwhelming.

It is the same for businesses. One of the most common comments we hear is "We don't want to spam our page likers". There are a couple of things to bear in mind with this statement.

Firstly, if you have 600 followers, the chances of all your 600 followers seeing each tweet you make is slim. Therefore, the "spam" theory is a little light on in my opinion. Same with Facebook and with Instagram.
There was something about your account or page that made that person follow you or like you - so give them something back.  

So what do you post?

We like to work with a 4:1:1 rule. Others in the industry like Guy Kawasaki like to go with a 100:1:1 rule.  This is pretty full on - but he does have a lot of followers - he is somewhat of a legend in the social media landscape.
This means we share 4 posts from other relevant sources, 1 post about us and a product (what we sell), and the other about ways we can help our customers.

For example, if you are a travel agent, you might have seen that cool video of the guy packing his suitcase by rolling his clothes and fitting an insane amount in his suitcase. This is relevant to you because you are in travel - and it's a video. Facebook in particular loves videos!

Then, you might share a special that you have on offer for the week. Last post might be a blog you have written about how you can get the best value for money for your customers with regards to flights & accommodation or tour bundles. 

Sharing other trusted sources of information assists in building trust between you and your customers.

People don’t want to be SOLD to all the time - so sharing information that aids their decision making or gives them a laugh is what social media is all about.

So get amongst it! Follow me on Twitter and share my tweets - I’ll follow you back - it'll be fun I promise!
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