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Why Facebook Clicks Not Likes, Are the Secret Social Ingredient

Written by Zaahn Johnson | May 24, 2015 9:11:00 AM

Why clicks are more important than likes.

Many years ago, social media was all about how many likes you could get for your page.

We all focused on how many likes we could get for the photo we shared, or how many likes we got on a post.

As time marched on, we made a horrific discovery.

No longer as attracted to us as they once were, people could, and would, unlike our page! The viewers were changing and evolving their opinion of the brand - despite all of our efforts to draw them in the first place.

Well, times have changed. We have evolved our business to cope with this shocking realisation - however it is clear some businesses are lingering in the past.  

It's time to take control of your mediums

We still see Facebook pages for businesses so focussed on the likes that a post will get that they have actually lost focus on what the goal of their page is.

So, we put this challenge to you.

Think about your facebook page.  

  • What are your goals for your page?

  • What are you hoping to achieve?

  • What sort of content are you sharing?

A couple of years ago, I learnt about The Split. 

The Split is the ratio of your content, content from the market and the content that has nothing to do with your selling objectives. Ideally, The Split should be 4:1:1.

  • 4 of light-hearted, fun content.

  • 1 of someone in your market’s content.

  • 1 of your own.

Interestingly, with Twitter we use a 10:1:1 ratio. Find out why Twitter is so powerful here. 

What do you want your viewers to do on your Facebook Page?

You want your viewers to get off Facebook, and onto your web page, then ultimately subscribe to your page. You want people to subscribe to your newsletter.

We have stopped worrying about who likes our post or who shared it. It’s now all about the clicks to our site - not our Facebook likes. We have discovered exactly how effective we are by using the HubSpot Automated Marketing Platform.

HubSpot lets us completely understand the source of our leads and the impact it has on our Lead Generation.

This is really important if you are doing Pixel Tracking or other pay per click advertising. 

Social media’s purpose for business after all is to drive traffic back to your website, so why not start using it that way?

To learn more about how to effectively use Facebook for business, read our blog “Why Do People Think Facebook Business Pages are a Good Idea” or contact our team of social media marketing experts at The Kingdom today.

Speak to The Kingdom and discover how our inbound marketing and lead generation techniques help Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Perth and Adelaide businesses grow sales fast using the HubSpot Marketing and CRM platform.