The Kingdom Live HubSpot Blog

Discover How Social Media Created $350,000 of New Business In 12 months

Written by Adam Steinhardt | 20-Jul-2016 06:23:43

What is your return on investment with social media? Do you know? Can you ever measure it?


We discuss the benefits of social media - and they may not be that obvious. Social media marketing has a different impact than the info that traditional advertising agencies sell you. So how does social work for you? How can you get social media return on awesome?

As an inbound marketing agency, we are constantly striving to get remarkable inbound marketing results for our customers. Social media is a fantastic tool to get this done, but you need to measure social over 12 months, not just monthly or quarterly. 

In this video, we tell the real life story of how social media resulted in over $350,000 of new business for The Kingdom.

Discover more.

Four Steps to Get Inbound Marketing ROI

9 Ways to Improve Your Social Media