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11 Point Guide To Kick Starting Snapchat For Business

Written by Zaahn Johnson | Apr 18, 2016 10:55:23 PM

In my last Snapchat related blog I told you that I am not on Snapchat - it’s confusing and it didn’t fill any social media need that I had. But I’m afraid it’s time for a confession… I have, in fact, hopped on the Snapchat bandwagon - and I regret nothing.

So why did I jump ship?

It’s hard to hone in on one answer to this question because Snapchat now offers so many features that meet different user requirements. Snapchat allows for photography, video, editing, communication and content manipulation.

It can provide hours of entertainment with its visual lenses, sticker collection and chat options - including the new option to use Snapchat to make audio-video calls. Snapchat has an addictive nature as it is constantly evolving to become a more fun and interactive user interface.

Snapchat has grown from 2 billion to 8 billion monthly transactions in 4 months.

So how can Snapchat help your business?

Put simply, Snapchat presents a unique opportunity to be creative with your marketing and reach followers in the palm of their hands. It creates a social playground where users can choose to interact with your brand.

It has a range of features allowing you to communicate with your followers and, better yet, for them to communicate with you. I’ve come up with a selection of simple reasons to use Snapchat to interact with your followers:

Attract A New Audience

Engaging with a new media platform means the opportunity to generate new leads. According to Snapchat their app is the best way to reach people aged 13-34. If this is a segment your business doesn’t reach or one you already reach but wish to improve on, it might be beneficial to integrate Snapchat as a new social media marketing campaign.

Snapchat is free and has an incredible followership - 8 million users daily! - so what do you have to lose?

Promote Your Brand

Snapchat posts are at most 10 seconds long and last for 24 hours when published. Take advantage of its transience by promoting exclusive products and experiences. Publicising contests, limited-edition products and behind-the-scenes experiences is a good way to capitalise on this.

Snapchat competitions and coupons are also a great way to get interactive with your followers. Hold a “snap and win” competition and advertise it through your other social channels to boost your Snapchat campaign.

It’s also a good way to remind viewers of your previous work. For example, take photos of a campaign portfolio or showcase past products that aren’t generating much revenue.

Personalise your company

Don’t be afraid to show your customers the cogs behind the machine. Use Snapchat to introduce your followers to the people who make your brand special.

There are so many ways to bring that human factor: post witty staff profile videos, selfies with fun geo filters, perhaps shadow some employees and make a day-in-the-life-of video series! This is a fun way to relate to consumers and distinguish your business from your competitors.

Increase Website Traffic

Snapchat is also a great way to increase the incoming traffic to your website. Tease the audience with glimpses of a new blog post, product, movie, fashion line, service - whatever you like! Try to peak their curiosity and add a little caption leading them to your website to learn more.


Tip: use vertical content as it requires the least effort to view.


Here are a few ways companies are already benefitting from Snapchat

Australia’s own Commonwealth Bank became a Snapchat aficionado in 2015 as a way to interact with their younger audience. Their posts offered interesting financial tips and encouraged feedback from followers.

In that same year KFC Australia used Snapchat as a platform to launch their new taco product, which was viewed thousands of times within hours of posting! Hopefully Snapchat’s rumoured HQ-to-be in Sydney will bring with it more witty Australian brand banter!

Amazon also used Snapchat to humanise its company. Its staff posted a series of selfies  described as “front-facing camera problems” to promote the company’s fun work environment.


Here are 5 things you might not have known about Snapchat:


If you want to pleasantly surprise your audience and generate more leads, I dare you to try Snapchat! It could be the best social media decision you make.

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