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3 Essential Apps to Save you Time when Writing

Written by Adam Steinhardt | Nov 12, 2015 6:50:26 AM
Are your writing skills declining as your reliance on technology increases? You're not alone.

Technology allows us to undertake work from anywhere at any time. This has increased our ability to work efficiently. Its converse is the access to social media at all times. This has stolen a significant amount of time as people often spend hours on facebook each day. When socialising or working, your writing should be both concise and accurate. Using these tools will help ensure this and save you time.

Most people use technology when writing as this allows them to be more effective and efficient. We love the Google Apps for Business, as base tools. The Google Docs app is a dream, as it allows us all to share one document and write together at the same time, all backed up in the cloud. 

Here are three great supplements to Google Apps for Business that give you extra powers.

What if you could increase your writing efficiency with three easy to use tools.

You can thank me later!

1. Grammarly

Instead of the need to be correct the first time, it is easier to spell check after you finish writing. Spell check tools have had a negative effect on your actual spelling ability as it is an enabler.  It has some flaws as it often misses grammatical errors when proofreading. What's more frustrating is that it is only a feature on some programmes.

That's where Grammarly comes in.

Grammarly is a straight forward and easy to use proofreading must have! It checks your work as you write making sure you're constantly formatting.

Top 5 features:

  • Highlights mistakes as you make them.
  • Double click on any word to get a range of synonyms.
  • Explains why you are wrong for self-improvement.
  • Desktop download and browser add-on.
  • Works across platforms, including Social Media.

If you are writing a document, an Email or a Social Media post, you now have a single program spell checking for you.

You have the power to reduce the ammunition of grammar Nazis.

This is a life saver.

2. Hemingway

Do you remember lecturers saying,"write as if the reader has no prior subject knowledge"? What they are saying is to reduce the complexity of your writing. This will allow the reader to focus on your message and not on the language that you use.

Let the Hemingway editor be your guide.

Hemingway is like a spellchecker but for your style of writing.

It highlights complex sentences reminding you to keep the reader in mind. It is easy to forget that cluttered and complex sentences dilute your message.

Top 5 features:

  • Score your readability ensuring your writing is clear and more understandable.
  • Outlines adverbs that you should change to strengthen your writing.
  • Offers suggestions for words that have a simpler alternative.
  • Allows for easy text formatting.
  • Downloadable desktop App

Hemingway is a program that allows you to save and edit documents as long as you have internet access. No more forgetting your USB at home when you need to work.

Make sure you keep the reader happy.

3. 'Cite this for Me'

Once you have finished your writing the last thing you want to do is go through the process of referencing. Be it Harvard, APA or MLA they all take significant time and effort. This effort could be going towards the final formatting check that you never get round to.

'Cite this for me' is a website that makes referencing a joy.

Get your referencing completed in a breeze and build your reference list with ease.

'Cite this for me' creates a reference list that you can either import or copy and paste into your document. This is both for the in-text citation and the full reference.

Top 5 features:

  • Builds references from website addresses.
  • Search for book references by title and author.
  • Guides to building references.
  • Create, then copy and paste citations into your work.
  • Both a website and a browser add-on.

Getting those tricky references correct is easier than you think. Referencing no longer has to take a significant amount of time. This will allow you to get back onto important things like Social Media.


These tools can easily and simply save you time when writing. Follow the link's and make sure you download the desktop app or add the extension!


For more tips, tricks and general help, follow the link: Knowledge blog or Inspiration blog