The Kingdom Inspiration HubSpot Blog

Why Imagination is the Key to Marketing Working For Business

Written by Adam Steinhardt | 14-Jul-2015 07:24:00

A common question we hear at The Kingdom Adelaide, is “what is content?”.

Content creation comes in so many different forms and is one of the most effective ways is to answer all of your client's questions and make the answers available through blogs and eBooks.

But how do you take content creation to the next level?

Use your imagination.

Don’t feel restricted with content needing to be directly related to your business, content can come from anywhere if you use your imagination. At The Kingdom, we like to really get into our customers minds and be relatable.

What are they thinking today? What are they talking about? The way of determining this is to always be on top of “Hot Topics” then use your imagination and work out how you can tap into that content.

Here are two examples of how we did it at The Kingdom, we always aim to allow 30% of our content to be fun and topical.

Game of Thrones

The Game of Thrones finale was flooding majority of Facebook news feeds the morning after, so one of our bloggers Mel Greig took this opportunity to incorporate this hot topic into a blog for The Kingdom which was subsequently picked up by media outlets because it was topical content.

Read the Game of Thrones Blog here and how we used it as content

See one of the media articles here.

Celebrity Social 

A celebrity announced that she was about to spend $1.8 million on a team of social media experts to try and grow her likes on her social media platforms, we were shocked that this celebrity was focusing on the wrong social media tools.

With no link to her own personal website on her accounts, she was basically about to throw potential earnings down the drain.

At The Kingdom, we specialise in online and social media marketing and used this story to address some social media myths, as well as why she didn’t need to spend that much money on her content creation.

Find out which celebrity is blowing all that cash on the wrong tools.

Remember to think outside the box, work with content that is topical and relatable.